What to expect

Whether you're a complete beginner to needle felting or have some experience making 3D models there's something for everyone in this set of videos.

Felt along with me while I help you make a basic core model which you can customise and add coloured wool as you like or even use it to make a variety of animals.

The videos are broken down into workable chunks so that you can follow along at your own pace.

Here are some of the things we'll be working on together

- Making a simple wire shape to needle felt around

- Adding wool to wire

- How to add weighting to your model so it feels nice & heavy

- How to add wire legs and cover with wool

- Building the head and neck

- Basic ears

- Overall body shaping

- Juicy tips and pitfalls explained as I go

There are no secrets here!

I talk through all of my own experiences as if you were right there with me. I show you how I overcome problems and give you all the juicy tips that I wish I'd known when I first started.

This is a great tutorial to help you progress your 3D felting from beginner level.

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